Album: BTCC 2006, Thruxton 4th June 2006 Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 12 items. Viewed: 3481 times.
Album: Goodwood Festival of Speed 2006 Celebrating 100 years of Grand Prix racing, 8th July 2006 Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 64 items. Viewed: 9246 times.
Album: UKUUG 2006 Linux Conference in Brighton, 30th June to 2nd July 2006 Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 18 items. Viewed: 3503 times.
Album: Tenerife trip, 18-20 September 2006 Visting the island, talking about Debian at the
"Jornadas de Software Libre de la ULL" conference Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 32 items. Viewed: 7060 times.
Album: The LiMux Project The team spreading Debian and Free Software to the City of Munich (15th October 2006) Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 6 items. Viewed: 2833 times.