Album: Oregon scenery Visting Steve and Patty, October 2007 Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 16 items. Viewed: 3839 times.
Album: Stonehenge On the way from Solva to Cambridge, 24th June 2007. Uncle Steve promised! Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 17 items. Viewed: 4495 times.
Album: Debconf 7 Ceilidh night in Edinburgh, 21st June 2007 Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 13 items. Viewed: 4767 times.
Album: FOSDEM 2007 February 2007, Geeks in Brussels Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 7 items. Viewed: 2738 times.
Album: The Cottage by the Lake Hanna's family cottage in Finland, Saturday 6th January 2007 Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 14 items. Viewed: 4003 times.
Album: Duxford Air Museum Dad and me looking at planes, May 2007 Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 15 items. Viewed: 4379 times.
Album: Gabriel Swegen A few days old, awwwww... Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 2 items. Viewed: 2737 times.