Album: Chris' 40th birthday present 24th November 2012 at
Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 32 items. Viewed: 5316 times.
Album: Around Scotland Misc photos from a short break, September 2012 Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 7 items. Viewed: 2895 times.
Album: DebConf12 July 2012 in Managua, Nicaragua Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 17 items. Viewed: 3661 times.
Album: Trip to Berlin 23rd-24th June 2012, Phil and Gunde's Summer Festival Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 15 items. Viewed: 3448 times.
Album: Visiting Hong Kong May 2012 - tourist stuff then Linaro Connect conference Last change: 2014-04-10
Contains: 4 items. Viewed: 2751 times.