Album: 40th birthday party 24th May 2014
CAKE! Last change: 2015-06-25
Contains: 8 items. Viewed: 2040 times.
Album: US Holiday, 2014 Touring around California and Nevada, February/March 2014 Last change: 2015-06-25
Contains: 9 items. Viewed: 3408 times.
Album: DebConf 14 August 2014 in Portland Last change: 2015-06-25
Contains: 15 items. Viewed: 2829 times.
Album: Geneva trip 4th to 7th October, 2014 Last change: 2015-06-25
Contains: 36 items. Viewed: 3849 times.
Album: New flat for mum? Looking at new places for mum to live, 2014 Last change: 2015-06-25
Contains: 38 items. Viewed: 5079 times.
Album: Linaro Connect USA 2014 The Superhero Jamboree, September 17th Last change: 2015-06-25
Contains: 9 items. Viewed: 2687 times.
Album: Visit to CERN Physics tourism!
6th and 7th October, 2014 Last change: 2015-06-25
Contains: 108 items. Viewed: 7970 times.